You’ve Arrived! Gateway to learning, not all doors are closed
Naturally Curious
Nice to Meet You
One hell of a ride
Welcome to my journey through accounting, learning and online communication ACCT11059. This is the first of many subjects, which I will be conducting throughout the next few years and I hope to take you on this journey with me. This subject is the first step in a growing line, which will in-turn see me complete a Bachelor of Business with a major in Management. This is a first for me, but they say variety is the spice of life, so accounting surely cannot be as bad as they say.
Please stop by, drop me a comment, strike up a conversation, happy to chat and get to know you all.
The most dangerous comment I have ever heard is, “We have always done things this way”. Don’t be afraid of change, embrace it, adapt to it and thrive with in it.
”J Ludeman”
J Ludeman
This is a photo of me and my two little people at their school, Miss E and Mr F.
I’m so glad you have arrived. Gateway to learning, not all doors are closed is where I share with you what interests me most, accounting, ok that’s not true but I hope to be on this journey with you all and meet some great people in the process. I hope you enjoy my site and all of the unique content I create. We all need something to motivate us and accounting it may be.